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Roger MOKANRANKO Bardales, from the Shipibo-Conibo tribe, is an internationally known healer and vegetalista, with extensive experience of more than 30 years in working with traditional amazonian plant medicine.


He serves as passionate activist who is highly committed for the Amazon rainforest, the indigenous peoples, their culture and their ancient medicine.

The Medicine Path of
Roger MOKANRANKO Bardales

Roger Bardales comes from the peruvian amazonia region of the Ucayali river. He is the heir of a long family lineage of healers of the indigenous Shipibo – Conibo people.

At the age of five he was first initiated through is great-grandfather as the bearer of the healing tradition into the world of traditional plant healing. Later he continued his apprenticeship to become a maestro of Amazonian plant medicine under the supervision of his grandfather.

Thus he spent the majority of his youth alone in the jungle of the Ucayali area, connecting to the spirits of the forest and water, receiving their immediate wisdom and power. The plant spirits chose for Roger the name “Mokan Ranko” (pronounced Mukankranko) and opened his consciousness to a transcendental view of existence.


After more than fiveteen years of intense and immersed learning in the jungle Roger came back to the urban areas, where he was able to support many healing processes through the help of the plant spirits and his deeply rooted belief – changing many peoples’ lives.

His healing work encompasses the use of the many different plants and medicines in traditional diets and ceremonies. Through these he cleanses, heals but also provides a connection to the spiritual realms. The main medium for doing so is the singing of so called “Ikaros” – holy songs, for which the Shipibo healing culture is renowned.

Today Roger lives in his camp in the jungle close to from Pucallpa, where he is training for several year his apprentices. Since twelve years a family of students from different parts of Europe formed around him which carries the ancient healing knowledge of the Amazonas into the western world. He also comes regularly to tour through Europe.

Due to the growing immersion of the Shipibo culture into the civilisation is the interconnectedness with the natural world and ancient wisdom of the jungle disappearing gradually. All the more it is a great gift when representatives of this primal cultural heritage share their spiritual treasures. Especially in today’s modern world it is substantial for westerners to relearn how to come back to our roots, vitality and natural health.


(thank you in the Shipibo language)


Political commitment as Ambassador
of the Shipibo-Conibo indigeneous people

For more than 10 years he has been politically active, supporting the indigeneous people increasing their standard of living and infrastructure, defending their land rights, preserving and recultivation of rain forest, preserving the culture and revalorazing the traditional plant medicine.

His efforts were highly appreciated by the population, who elected him President of the Santa Marta de Pucallpa Community in 2021. His commitment also drew attention at the supra-regional level and he was appointed Ambassador of the indigenous Shibipo-Conibo people of the Ucayali region in 2022 with regional executive resolution No 551-2023-GRU-GR.

In 2023 he finally reached the Awarding of the official land title for the native community Santa Martha, what sets the foundation for further developments as the founding of a cultural center, a botanical garden and the reforestation under agroforestal concepts. "Just if its your land, you can grow something new out of it!"

He organized together with the Ministry of Health the first Conference on Traditional Medicine and Indigenous peoples' Ancestral Knowledge in the Ucayali Region, with the focus on the recognition and revaluation of Ayahuasca as an ancestral medicine on an international scale, the documentation of plant medicine knowledge, the creation of an encyclopedia of Amazonian plants and the definition of traditional medicine and its distinction from scientific medicine.

Since 2024 he received several invitations by ambassadors in Lima to talk about his projects with the main emphasis on reforestation and climate change, native cultural conservation and promotion and the revalorisation of the traditional plant medicine, and many representatives from various countries have pledged their support.

We assume it was the first time, that an indigneous ambassador was welcomed in the embassy of an foreign country - but Roger always has been a pinoneer in many ways.

With his big love for the nature, his culture and the people and his power and knowlegde through medicine, he is well prepared and motivated to stand up for a change in the Amazon.


Healing Center in Peru

We are happy to welcome you in our medicine camp in Peru!


In this retreat we dedicate ourselves to more intensive healing processes. The healing covers different levels, which can be experienced as a community but also alone.


The medicinal plants have an effect on body, soul and spirit and thus bring profound changes in our lives.



In our medical camp, everyone is accommodated in their own hut ("tambo"). These are spread around the property. There is also a main house, a ceremonial temple, showers and toilets. The buildings are all traditionally built, made of wood, with palm leaf roofs and mosquito nets as walls. So one lives very close to nature.


Campo Mokanranko

Sucre close to Pucallpa

Ucalyali Region, Peru


The Mokan Ranko Family

We, the students of Roger, consider ourselves as medicine family, as we go through the intense years of becoming real healers together, hand in hand, caring and helping for each other to grow and unfold as a natural plant.


Icaros - sacred Songs from the plants

The Icaros are sacred songs, that come directly from the plants.

These healing ikaros work in combination and cooperation with the medicine to clean negative energies as well as fill the body with plant medicine and vibration of the divine.



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